The First Leg

May 5, 2012

We tucked our bags in the overhead compartment and took our seats. Row 15, seat J. That was my seat. An aisle seat. I watched as people continued boarding. Old and young shuffled down the two aisles—one aisle on either side of the four middle seats in the center of the plane. Each person juggling as [...]

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A Call to Action—”Wake Up, Sleepyhead!”

April 3, 2012

The service is over. The grief-impaired people stay silent. Pew by pew, the mourners are beginning to be dismissed. The rows at the front of the church are let out first. The people stand, turn, and exit the wood-benched area they have been sitting in. They quietly shuffle toward the two sets of double doors at [...]

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The Christian Hope

March 31, 2012

It was about five minutes before four. I walked through the double doors and stood in the antechamber. Someone motioned me toward the guest book. I signed it and started to move forward to go into the sanctuary, but there was a bottleneck of tall guys in the doorway. Trying to peer over their shoulders [...]

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Easter—It’s a Comin’

March 29, 2012

It’s that time again. Easter. Next week. Sunday, April 8th. Time when: We buy baskets, and bunnies, and chocolate eggs. We buy toys and coloring books and crayons. We buy new spring dresses or suits, and have family photos taken. Or, we drag our kids to the mall to have their picture taken with some [...]

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5 Minute Friday: BRAVE

March 16, 2012

What is brave? Hunting a lion? Slaying a dragon? Taking on an adventurous dare? To me brave is: Knowing I am broken and in desperate need of Savior. Trusting God. Being honest. Commit to growing—in God’s ways not my own. Realizing I am fallible. Loving the unlovable. Open to being vulnerable. Being a wife & [...]

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Lucy Does Ballet

March 11, 2012

“…first position, tendu to the front, flex, point, close. Repeat. On the eighth count grand plié. Tendu to the side, flex, point. Repeat. On the eighth count close back. Grand plié. Tendu to the back…“ I think most little girls, at some point in their life, want to be a ballerina when they grow up. [...]

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Late Nights and Funny Stories

March 7, 2012

It’s March. Didn’t quite get in all the “Love Letters” I wanted to in February, but I did accomplish my goal of writing more. The Love Letters will keep coming, and when I post a new one I’ll linky link it back to the February ones so it looks I was really more on the [...]

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Early Morning

February 22, 2012

Still semi-dark in our room, the morning light is just beginning to peek through a crack in our chocolate-brown, blackout curtains. My full bladder wakes me up. I lay there for several minutes debating—get up and go to the bathroom, or roll over and try to go back to sleep. The bladder wins. I trudge to [...]

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Welcome to Motherhood

February 18, 2012

I got up and went into the bathroom. I opened the cupboard under the sink and rummaged around for the package I’d previously hidden. I pulled out the box and read the directions. They seemed simple enough—pee on the stick and then wait. I opened the package, took out the stick, and did my business. [...]

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Pay It Forward

February 16, 2012

We sat at the dining room table—he on one side, me on the other. The conversation was getting a little animated. Heated, you might say. Mostly from my side. I wanted paint. He said we couldn’t afford it. “We can never afford it…or anything else,” I barked. The final words were meant as a dig. [...]

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