31 Days: Live Intentional {Day 2} — Colossal Failure

by Lisa on October 2, 2011

Can you say colossal failure? That’s what today feels like. Day 2 and my grandiose “Live Intentional” plans have managed to soar right out the window.

Get up, make coffee, get ready for church, go to church, come home laze around, eat, and go to bed— that is our usual Sunday routine, but with each “Live Intentional” day I had planned to do something…well…out-of-the-ordinary. Maybe even something spectacular. (Now that’s thinking ambitiously, eh?)

This morning, however, I got up and ran directly to the computer. Not really knowing what to expect, but expecting something, I was pleasantly surprised that my dear friend commented on yesterday’s post. Yippee—a reader! Off to a good start. Intentional writing produced one reader—one additional visitor to Mom, net Mom besides me. I guess you could say a small-scale success of some sort.

My real “Live Intentional” plans for today, however, were to tackle that ever-growing Mt. Vesuvius pile o’ laundry that is swirling around on my bedroom floor. School, for my kids, is starting this week and I really need to get organized before the now daily task of educating my children ensues.

After church, instead of heading directly toward the bedroom, I navigated myself right back to the computer. I started reading many of the other 31 Dayers blogs. Wow! Talk about inspiration! Amy at Missional Mama is tackling intentional Missional Living while Sherry at Portrait of the Artist is a Young Mom is writing about 31Days Emerging from the Chaos.  31 Days to {a better} Ordinary sucked me in and so did Annie’s Musings.

Now it’s just before midnight. I’ve added a boatload of new links to my site, read a great many blog posts, fed my family dinner, and had the kids put themselves to bed. And I am, once again, sitting at the computer. The laundry stack did not diminish, instead it only got bigger after my wild monkeys jumped—well sort of rolled—in mud puddles in the church parking lot, and then came home, changed their clothes, and went outside to play in the rain and mud.  I still can’t see the floor in a few areas of my room, and not a stitch of organizing was done, and the living room looks like a bomb went off. Ug! Day 2 and I’m already facing failure.

By the grace of God,I came across these quotes while I was sidetracked busy online:

Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently. ~ Henry Ford

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.  ~                       F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tomorrow is a new day. A new day to tackle the laundry pile. A new day to get organized. A new day to make a list of proactive things I need to do. —A new day for Intentional Living.


What is 31 Days? Read my other posts in this series here.

700+ 31 Days Participants

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Missional Mama October 3, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Thanks for the mention!~ I was surprised when I was reading your post today. You made my day, intentionally so! :)
Sometimes being intentional means just what you wrote about, picking up and keeping at it.

Annie October 7, 2011 at 8:41 am

Amen. Grace comes new with every moment, every morning. And thank you so much for mentioning me!

Lisa October 7, 2011 at 8:36 pm

Looking forward to joining your linky link party—and getting some constructive comments. Thanks for throwing down the gauntlet. :)

Sharon October 9, 2011 at 5:13 pm

I am blown away at all of the amazing topics that are a part of the 31 Days and can relate to it taking over my life! I want to read pretty much all of them! But I dread those days when I don’t get anything on my “to do” list done.

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