7:00 am The alarm started buzzing—way too early after night of night migrating. I got up, put the coffee on, and roused the girls out of bed. The boys continued to sleep soundly. The girls and I left the house, and headed to a morning of Suzuki violin lessons.
1:00 pm Drive home, make lunch, check email, putter around the kitchen, wash a load of laundry.
2:30 pm Sister -in-law drops in. Picks up a library book, drops off two large crates of hand-me-downs, chit chats about homeschooling, yesterday’s first day of school, and Life of Fred math curriculum.
3:00 pm Create new Etsy account for my oldest child, 10 year old, Isabelle—The Tangerine Zebra. My 31 day challenge has inspired her to want to start her own blog and Etsy store.
4:00 pm Walk around the yard muttering to myself, wondering where I should put those plants that have been sitting out in my front yard for the last month.
4:30 pm Make popcorn for the monkeys, hubby dear, the neighbor girl, and that pesky dog that is underfoot.
4:45 pm Start digging in the dirt under the front window to plant the plants (finally).
7:30 pm Sweep dirt off sidewalk in the dark. Pick up yard tools, and put them away.
8:00 pm Run bath water for two of the three monkeys. Scrounge in the frig for something to eat.
9:30 pm Begin surfing on Etsy. Create a 31 Day Treasury.
11:15 pm Finish Etsy Treasury. Post it on Mom, Net Mom & The Nester
11:45 pm Go to bed.
Saturday—a day lived semi-intentional.
What is 31 Days? Read my other posts in this series here.
700+ 31 Days Participants
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Several of those things were intentional! Let me know if ever need a pal to dig in the dirt with!
Some of the day to day does not always feel intentional, but more like survival. Being present in the violin lessons, spending time brain storming with Isabelle, and digging in the dirt was intentional. The rest…well…just gets/needs to be done.
I think we can be intentional about the things we need to get done. It’s easy to stay on auto pilot when doing the mundane. Trying myself to do these things as if serving the Lord.