Looking for a new kind of tea?
Try Tea that offers a plethora of flavors, but doesn’t come with sugar, exotic spice, or unusual leaves. A kind of refreshment that gives warmth, satisfaction, and flair without a cup or a saucer. Tea that is uniquely scrumptious all on it’s own.
The Tea I’m talking about is a delicious line of clothing for babies, girls, boys, and Moms alike. A fairly new (2002) company based out of San Francisco.
My first introduction to Tea was in 2003 when Sophia was a mere babe. She received an adorable, floral dress in a pink and brown before the pink & brown combo-thing was even cool. The cotton frock became the “go to” outfit that everyone cooed about. And when la robe outgrew its capabilities of being a dress it simply morphed into a shirt paired over jeans or leggings.
Our next exposure to Tea arrived when baby number three came a callin’ in 2006. Indestructible pants, tees, and jammies for a boy that can put a hole in anything covering his knees. Now four, Mr. Destruction is still wearing his size three tiger pjs as soon as they are pulled from the dryer. Because he loves them so much, we have chosen to overlook the fact that they’ve become pedal-pushers and 3/4 sleeves. Besides the boy looks downright adorable in army green and brown.
Last month Isabelle finally got her shot at Tea. She got to take part in the company’s nationwide search for a new Stylista. Tea’s local Eugene retailer, Bambini, had kids between the ages of 8 and 12 come to the store and pick out any outfit they wanted to model. They had a photographer pose the children and then entered the results into Tea’s contest. While Isabelle was not picked as a finalist, she sure had fun trying. Plus, now she’s got a Tea skirt on her wish-list.
I hope when you’re tired of red rooibos Chai, you’ll try some new Tea too. Let me know what you think.